الأحد، ٢٨ نوفمبر ٢٠١٠

10 Ways to Improve Your Day

Stress has become a huge problem for a lot of people in the world today. Burn-outs, which were once rare, have now become a regular occurrence. People seem to be in a hurry to do a lot more things at once, office exerts a lot of pressure on them, and balancing home and family with all these things takes a toll. So we put together a bunch of tips for you, to help you fight stress and improve the quality of your life.

Let’s look at some ways of finding joy in our day-to-day life.

  1. Be Positive – A lot of people mistake their own pessimism as ‘being realistic’. Fortunately, the frame of mind we carry throughout our day is entirely under our control. Being in a positive state of mind is something you can easily do for yourself. Find joys in the little things and you will soon realize how much better you feel through your day.
  2. Love Your Job – If you do not love your job, look for one that you will as soon as possible. As many excuses as you can come up with to stay in your current job, it cannot be a substitute for a truly fulfilling career. The main reason for stress is being discontent with the current job. So walk into your office with a smile. Love your job.
  3. Your Spouse – Spend time with your spouse, not only in the evening, but also in the morning if possible. Having the morning cuppa together or having a pleasant morning walk can do wonders for your mood for the day. This will also go a long way in bringing you closer to your spouse too!
  4. Exercise – Exercise can be the perfect solution to bring that spark back into your life. Not only will it make you feel physically charged, your mood will be quite elevated through the day! Exercise makes oxygen supply and blood circulation more efficient and releases chemicals in your body that make you feel better.
  5. Take Breaks – Taking enough breaks during your job is essential. A lot of people work for hours together so that they can meet deadlines, but this in fact burns you out faster. Be realistic when setting deadlines with your boss. Do not take on projects which will surely be delayed, unless you can complete them comfortably.
  6. Relax on Weekends – A lot of people party from Friday evening to Sunday evening, to make up for the rest of the week. This can be extremely harmful and could even be fatal if overdone. The weekend is a perfect opportunity to relax and unwind, so do exactly that. Spend time with the family or just go out somewhere. Go for the occasional party but make sure you get adequate rest.
  7. Meditate – If you feel that work is taking a toll on you, you should meditate. Meditation can be done anywhere, anytime; some people even meditate while commuting. But the best time to meditate is early in the morning, when it is easier to connect with your inner self. Use the silence to find peace. Meditating can improve your blood circulation, and will also make you more patient and focused.
  8. Eat Properly – Bad eating habits combined with a hectic job can spell doom for your system. Make sure you put in an effort to eat healthy food on time, in adequate quantities. Never let your job disturb your meal timings. Eat on time, and try and take a walk after lunch to aid digestion. Eating junk food and having too much coffee, tea or cigarettes can give you acidity, heartburn, and in some cases even cause insomnia.
  9. Balance Work and Home – A lot of people work hard so that they can give monetary benefits and creature comforts to their kids, but you may be, in fact, doing a lot of damage to your kids. Children NEED their parents while growing up; being away perennially leaves them feeling insecure and then depending on crutches like bad friends and drugs, later on. So balance home and work. And if ever you have to choose, choose your family and home. Because a new job is always available.
  10. Be Disciplined – And the golden mantra for avoiding chaos and stress at the workplace, is to be disciplined. Being disciplined, organized and systematic can really make you more relaxed. Be the best at your job and you will learn to love it. This will also translate into more rewards from your career!

So go ahead and face work with these ten tips to stay cool. The trick is to mix work and play!

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